Our Schedule is chock full of fun activities, from workshops, to the Sword Tourney, the Wild Hunt, and an Unseelie Masquerade Ball to the Fourth Annual Kithaka Dun Games.
Click here to download a PDF copy of our Pocket Program! The internet can be spotty out in the woods, so be sure to have your own copy! (We'll have print ones as well on site.)

Friday 4:15 PM – Sword Demo with Mythos - Let’s open May Day with a bang! Join our local Mythos group for sword demonstrations with boffer weapons. Come brush up before the Sword Tournament, or just enjoy the ability to beat up your fellow attendees!
Friday 4:15 PM – Spellcasting 101 - It’s easy to talk about being pagan, but a little harder to get down to the practical magic. Join Corinne for a primer on Spellcasting, including spell components, preparing spaces, and safety. Walk away with a recipe for your own Black Salt!
Friday 9:00 PM – Find Your Dragon Meditation with Tim Rickman - The High Priest of Apple Oak Grove will guide you through an inner journey to find and communicate with your own personal dragon. Come ready to be comfortable and meditate.
Friday 9:00 PM – Pop Culture and Paganism - Hey, listen up! Phillip and Gena are hosting a super cool panel discussion on the wild connections that can be made between pop culture and spirituality. You know, those movies, shows, and books that we all love? Turns out, they can have a profound impact on our spiritual journeys. Phillip and Gena have seen firsthand how pop culture can transform our practices. From the wise teachings of Yoda to Rachel Smythe's creative take on Greek mythology, we can learn and grow through our fandoms. So come on, join us for this open-minded discussion, and let's explore how pop culture can feed, influence, and foster our spirituality. It's gonna be a blast!
Friday 10:15 PM (18+) – Shibari, Knot Magic, and Self-Care with Polly Popjoy and Harley Hefner – Tying isn’t only for the bedroom! It can also be healing or a part of magickal practice. Join Polly Popjoy, our Guest of Honor, and Harley Hefner as they do a hands-on demonstration and discussion of all things rope. Consent is critical, but opportunities will be provided to experience Shibari for yourself.
Friday Midnight (18+) - Primal Play - Primal play is a part of the Primali path, but this is open to anyone 18+. Be ready to hit the mats - exercise wear is acceptable. No nudity, no sex, just primal energy.
Saturday 9:30 AM – Cast & Chat with Krysten Mercury – Come join a witch's workroom roundtable. We'll be making Spell Jars while chatting about the growing time - growing in paths, growing communities, and growing your magick. Bring any special ingredients you wish to add, but basics are provided.
Saturday 9:30 AM – [Children's Event] -Rainbow Story and Craft Time! – Hey, kids of all ages! Get ready for some rainbow fun with Gena! Do you know the cool story about the Rainbow Serpent? Do you know what the color indigo means? And guess what, you'll even get to make your own rainbow crown! Storytime, crafts, and games are all part of the plan. Everyone's invited to join in on the fun. Just a heads up for parents: if your little one needs extra help, we kindly ask that you stay and assist them so that Gena can give everyone her full attention. Don't worry about craft supplies, we've got that covered!
Saturday 9:30 AM – Mythos Jeopardy! – Mythos Jeopardy is back! Come test your mythology trivia know-how with Allen and Aaron! Free candy and bragging rights to the winners. So come show us that you know the difference between Lady Rainbow and the Rainbow Snake.
Saturday 10:45 AM – Dragon Lore with Tim Rickman – Join the Pendragon as he introduces you to the world of dragon magic – how dragons created the world, humankind, and magic. The storyteller will tell stories of his interactions, and how you can tap into the magic of dragons as well.
Saturday 1:30 PM – The Moonlit Path: The Ethics of Balance in Paganism — Light and dark magic, candles in the dark, and hidden knowledge. Paganism tends to have different ethical systems than more conventional Abrahamic paths. Join a panel of our Guests and Leaders for a discussion of the harder edges of magickal practice and morality systems that lie on the left-hand paths.
Saturday 1:30 PM – Dancing the Fairy Circle: Fae Magic 101 — Come with us on a journey through the fairy circle as we learn the wonders of sagely working and communicating with the fae. Though this will be just the beginning, there are still many wonders to learn, how to make offerings, rules to abide by, and ways to incorporate fairy magic into your own practice.
Saturday 10:15 PM (18+) – Upon the Altar: Pleasures of the Flesh - In the dark, we explore the pleasures of the flesh, both culinary and carnal. Bring a partner or two, bring your gods, bring yourself. We will traverse the world of aphrodisiacs as we embark on a journey of relationship, connection, trust, and intimacy. Libations will be provided and enjoyed, and we will gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we interact with the divine, our partners, and ourselves through sensual energy.
Saturday Midnight (18+) – Primal Howl - Sometimes, you just need to howl at the moon, or scream at the stars. It’s time to let go of all those things that have been building inside. Sean Akins leads us in a midnight howl and primal scream designed to help us release our inner turmoil in the most primal of ways. Hot cocoa and cookies afterwards in the Main Hall!
Sunday 9:15 AM - Reiki Share - Join us at the end of the weekend for a sharing of Energy to lift and rejuvenate our spirits. Kit will lead a healing circle and teach some basics of Reiki and Energetics.
Workshop Track
This year’s Workshop Track features four new workshops for hands-on learning and experience. Youth or Adult badges required unless otherwise noted.
Friday 9:00 PM – Astrology and Stargazing – Elder Nicky leads us in some basic Astrology knowledge – how to read a birth chart and what the stars can mean to us. Stargazing is a component of this workshop, as Nicky will guide you to read the sky in a personal way.
Saturday 10:45 AM – Your Own Personal Constellation – As we look to the night sky, we see many groups of stars telling stories - some stars, a story of one. Astrology gives twelve stories of human trends, but what about a picture of You? Join us as we help each other create our own individualized starmaps and stories - materials provided.
Saturday 2:45 PM – Jewelry Making – Join one of our Traveling Tinkers, Aerafel, and Allen Night as they teach you the basics of jewelry-making for fun, faith, and profit! They'll be covering tools, equipment, and technique with a hands-on method that will leave you with a pair of earrings or a necklace charm of your very own!
Sunday 9:15 AM – Storytime and Coloring for All! – Coloring isn’t just for kids! Appease your inner child with coloring and juice while listening to tales from mythology with Elder Nicky. Part of caring for your Self is seeking wisdom in times of pure, uncomplicated joy. All ages are welcome.
Friday 2:30 PM - Opening Fire Rite - Welcome the Fire Festival by helping bless the campsite—we’ll be lighting the flame of the Sun Fire for the weekend!
Friday 7:30 PM - Gathering and Instruction for Wild Hunt - Come hear a brand-new story, bedeck yourself with glow sticks, and step through the smoke before we head out to the Wild Hunt.
Friday 8:00 PM - Wild Hunt and Wicker Man - Join us for our 4th annual Wild Hunt! The Hares have hidden the sun, and the Hounds must bring him home. We will burn the Wicker Man to welcome the Spring and bring back the day. Glow sticks are provided, all mobility levels welcome.
Friday 10:15 PM (18+) —Beltane Rite with Bifrost Coven - Gardnerian is a British Traditional Wicca created by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s. This is a closed tradition, but Bifrost will be leading an open court Beltane ritual to connect with fertility and growth. Gardnerian rites are highly structured and focus worship on the duality of the Lord and Lady.
Saturday 7:00 AM – Morning Tree Journey with Paladin Gabriel - Join us at the fire first thing in the morning for a wakeup journey to find your roots and meet the warrior within.
Saturday 2:45 PM (18+) - OTO Gnostic Mass - Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass, is the central ritual, public and private, of Ordo Templi Orientis. It is a participatory Eucharistic ritual in which a small cake and chalice of wine are magically identified as the "Life of the Sun" and the "Joy of the Earth". Attendees are expected to participate in the ritual. A brief overview of participation will be made just prior to the ritual.
Saturday 5:00 PM - Kithaka Dun Rite - Join us this year for the Ritual of the Firstborn Army, where we will anoint ourselves as warriors in the dark, bless our weapons, and joyously jump the fire into the new year!
Sunday 10:30 AM - Closing Fire Rite - Extinguishing the fires of a festival is a moment that should be marked, and so we will. Join our Kitchen Witch Keiran as they bless us all and send us on our way.
Special Events
May Court
Over the course of the weekend, we’ll be crowning a May Court to sit at the High Table at Saturday’s Feast, with one guest! Don't forget to consider who You would like to see for our Wild Hunt!
Regent Nominations are now open!
Regent—Leader of the Wild Hunt, elected before the Event
Coronet—Elected of the May Court
Marshal—Winner of the Games
Princet—Elected Youth of the May Court
Sword Tournament
Come Saturday afternoon and test your mettle against others! You will be provided with a boffer sword and pitted against other combatants on the field of battle in a double-elimination Tournament! Youth or Adult Badge Required.
The winner will be knighted by the May Court and take home a beautiful (real) sword made by our own GoH, Pendragon!
Delta Highland Games
Saturday morning, join us for the fourth annual Delta Highland Games! Our Games-master has designed tests of strength, cunning, and derring-do. Open to all contestants, Youth or Adult badges.
The one who ends up with the highest cumulative point total will be crowned Marshal and welcomed to sit at High Table with one guest!
Non-Profit Raffle and Auction
In the Main Hall, there is a table full of Wonders and Gotta-Haves. These will all be raffled off at the Saturday Feast. Tickets are available at Registration. Tickets are $1 for 1, $5 for 6, or $20 for as many tickets as will fit between your belt and the floor. A few select items will be chosen and placed on live auction instead.
We are honored to announce that all proceeds from this raffle and auction will be donated to Friends for All.
Don’t forget to bring a little extra – you might win something amazing, and you’ll be supporting our community too.
The Unseelie Masquerade Ball
This year, our Saturday Night event will be a Masquerade Ball, right after the Maypole and Handfasting. Dress in your Unseelie best – we’re welcoming the fae with caution to the dance floor! Under the magickal night sky, we will have a prize for the best mask and best outfit. We even have traditional dance cards for a lovely evening under the stars!
Join our Majordomo, Cole, for a night of music to wrap up the festival!
Just after the Feast, we’ll be celebrating the Handfasting of Tim and Chey. Join us to celebrate their union and then wrap them in the ribbons of May just before the Masquerade!
Meditation Room
Triangle Room B is set aside as our Meditation Room.
Too many people? Need a moment to focus and find some peace? Please enjoy something comfortable and quiet. There will be chairs, assorted squishy things, blankets and soft décor.
Please respect the Meditation Room—no cell phone noise, no loud talking. This is a place of centering and grounding.